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Older Versions



Map.ly: Effortless Web Navigation

Boost your browsing efficiency with this lightweight local link management extension.

Features: ✅ Custom Shortcuts with Variables – Create key-value mappings to quickly access your favourite websites. ✅ Omnibox Auto-Complete – Get instant suggestions as you type, right in the address bar. ✅ Smart Bookmark Suggestions – Navigate directly from the Omnibox with file-system like bookmark recommendations. ✅ Completely open-source — Review the code yourself or make improvements to adjust to your needs.

Streamline your workflow and browse smarter!

<aside> <img src="/icons/branch-merge_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/branch-merge_lightgray.svg" width="40px" />

This documentation is for the version v2.0.0 , for older versions refer here.



Chrome Web Store

  1. Navigate to Map.ly home page on chrome web store by accessing this link.
  2. On the top right corner click on Add to Chrome.


  1. That’s it you are ready to go!


<aside> <img src="/icons/bell-notification_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/bell-notification_lightgray.svg" width="40px" />

We only recommend to install the extension manually in case your browser doesn’t supports adding the extension from chrome web store (or you know what you are doing)


  1. Navigate to Map.ly Github releases page by accessing this link.
  2. Download the latest version of extension available by clicking the links under assets section.


  1. Save it on your machine, and extract all the files to a folder map.ly-<version>.
  2. Go to your browser settings > manage extensions.
  3. Enable developer mode.
  4. Click on Load Unpacked and select the folder map.ly-<version> (created in step 3).
  5. You are ready to go!


To access the extensions capability you can use the shortcut mp (followed by a space) in your omni-box.


Options can be used to customise settings, add/update mappings and edit your preferences. To access the options use options keyword. (You can customise the key-word from the options page itself)


Customising options key-word

To set a different keyword to open the options page you can use the Custom Shortcut for Options Page field under the Preferences section.

Saving current configurations

To save all the configurations (including mappings) you can simply click on the Save button present on the toolbar at top on the options page.

Loading existing configurations

To load an existing configuration (including mappings) you can use the Load button present on the toolbar at top on the options page


Mappings can be used to create key-value shortcuts for the frequently accessed URL(s). Mappings can be created from the options, using the Add/Update Mapping form.

Simple Mapping

A simple key-value pair for frequently accessed URL(s).

e.g. Enter the following fields in the form,

  1. Mapping Key → g
  2. URL Template → https://google.com

Click on Add/Update Mapping button.

Now in omnibox you can type mp g to open the mapped URL.

Variable Mapping

Use a template and a variable to map to different URL(s)

e.g. Enter the following fields in the form,

  1. Mapping Key → g
  2. URL Template → https://google.com/search?q=%s

Click on Add/Update Mapping button.

Now in omnibox you can type mp g/<search-query> to directly open a search result.

Variable Names

You can use more than one variables in a URL template. To ease out the suggestions and auto-complete you can add names to variables

e.g. Enter the following fields in the form,

  1. Mapping Key → gh
  2. URL Template → https://github.com/%s{{owner}}/%s{{repo}}

Click on Add/Update Mapping button.

Now in omnibox you can type mp gh/<owner>/<repo> to directly open a Github repository.


Importing / Exporting Mappings

You can use the toolbar buttons present under the Existing Mappings section to import or export the mappings in a JSON format.

Bookmark Suggestion

By default bookmark suggestions are turned off. You can turn them on using the Suggest Bookmarks toggle under the Preferences section on the Options page.

Bookmark Shortcut

It is used to differentiate between the template and the bookmark URL(s). URL(s) starting with this shortcut will be treated as Bookmark URL(s) (no variable evaluation happens for bookmarks).

Root Bookmark Node

Used to set the root folder which will be used to suggest the bookmarks.


For contributing to the project you can visit our Github page